The Transaction JSON is provided after a successful payment. You can use this data e.g. for tracking or personalized success message.
This JSON can contain following data. Not all fields are always present!
"transaction_id": "FB-T-123456",
"status": "confirmed", // or "awaiting" if redirect payment no yet processed
"token": "{unique transaction token}",
"fb_source_id": 3, // always 3
"fb_payment_form_configuration_id": 1234,
"source_name": "general", // name of your form
"source_promotion_code": "",
"fb_project_id": 4921,
"project_promotion_code": "",
"fb_type_id": 8,
"type_promotion_code": "",
"amount": 12.34,
"currency": "EUR",
"interval": 0,
"fb_donation_id": null,
"by_recurring": 0,
"fb_recurring_payment_id": null,
"meta_info": {...}, // see General > Meta Info
"receipt_status": "no_receipt",
"company_name": "",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"title": "",
"first_name": "Max",
"last_name": "Mustermann",
"birthday": null,
"wants_newsletter": 0,
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"public_name": "",
"public_message": "",
"address": "",
"post_code": "",
"city": "",
"country": "",
"bank_account_owner": "Max Mustermann",
"bank_number": "123456",
"bank_account_number": "98756000",
"bank_iban": null,
"bank_bic": null,
"bank_name": null,
"bank_country": null,
"updated_at": "2016-08-24 22:49:05",
"created_at": "2016-08-24 22:49:05",
"received_at": null,
"is_test": 0,
"parent_url": "",
"ip": "123.456.789.0",
"mandate_reference_id": "",
"mandate_status": "",
"mandate_signature_date": "",
"mandate_last_usage_date": "",
"mandate_transaction_type": "",
"mandate_origin": "",
"fb_fundraising_page_id": null,
"fb_donation_custom_fields": [
"id": "123",
"name": "Einsatzgebiet",
"value": "Bayern"
//... all available donation custom fields, even if there is no value for this transaction
"fb_person_custom_fields": [
"id": "456",
"name": "Beruf",
"value": "Informatiker"
//... all available person custom fields, even if there is no value for this transaction
Possible values: please have a look on our page for predefined values.