Returns a single payout.
Field descriptions:
- fb_type_id: See Predefined values
- created_time: time the payout has been created by the payment provider
- amount: transferred amount to the bank account
- amount_donations: sum of the amount of the assigned fb_donations
- amount_donations_fee: sum of the payment provider fees of the assigend fb_donations (negative number)
- amount_reversed_donations: sum of the amount of the recognized reversed fb_donations (negative number)
- amount_reversed_donations_fee: sum of the payment provider fees of the recognized reversed fb_donations (can be negative (e.g. dispute fee) or positive (e.g. refunded fee))
- amount_unknown: sum of the amount of the unknown transactions found in this payout (not initiated by FundraisingBox)
- currency: See Predefined values
Retrieve connected fb_donations
If you want to retrieve the connected donations to a payout, you can use the donations-API with criteria fb_payout_id, for example:
GET /donations.xml?criteria[fb_payout_id]={id}