The Errors JSON is part of the Session JSON or part of the result of a failed app/payment. The errors are translated into the language of your form. Show these errors to your donors in your form!
Can contain three types of errors:
- current_fields: errors for the currently sent data
- other_fields: errors for the remaining fields, for which no data was sent. In general these are "required"-errors in a multi step form, which could be ignored. But if there are "other_fields"-errors in your last step of your form, you should handle it.
- globals: in generel these global errors occur only after a failed payment, e.g. if a credit card is not accepted or a payment provider is currently not available. Global errors are not dedicated to a certain field, so it's just an array of strings which you should show to the user.
The keys are the name of the field.
The value is the translated error message.
"current_fields": {
"interval": "Ungültig",
"other_fields": {
"payment_method": "Bitte wählen Sie eine Zahlungsweise",
"globals": [
"Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu und versuchen Sie es erneut.",