

With the FundraisingBox-Payment-API you can send your collected data directly to the app/payment-endpoint or you build up a session with the Introduction and process a complete session. You get a JSON in return.

For a 1-step-form we recommend to send the data directly to the payment-endpoint.

Use the forms/config to check which fields and values are available in your form.



We also provide our Form-API, a Javascript-jQuery-Plugin, for easy implementation on your website.


You just have to provide the hash of your form, there is no secret authentication, because the donation form is a public part of your website. You can find the hash of your form in the settings of your form in your FundraisingBox.



On a successful API-request you get a JSON with HTTP status 200. Even if there are e.g. current_fields_errors on your session or the payment_status is "error", it was a successful request and it returns a JSON with status "success".

Only if there is an error preventing the API from working you get a JSON with status "error" and the corresponding HTTP error code, 400, 404 or 500.

  "status": "error",
  "error": "error 105: no hash"

Possible errors:

error 101: general error
error 900: general error
something went wrong, please contact our support
error 102: not owneryou are not allowed to use forms
error 103: inactivethe selected form is inactive
error 104: not api owneryou are not allowed to use the form api
error 105: no hashform hash is missing
error 106: no configno form has been found for the given hash
error 201: session incompleteyou can only process complete session with doPayment()
error 202: session processedprocessed sessions cannot be read or updated
error 203: session not foundwrong or no session hash at updateSession
error 204: session exists alreadyhash of existing session used for createSession
error 205: new session requires valuesyou have to submit some values for createSession
error 404: server error
error 500: server error
something is wrong with the server
maintenance: ...translated maintenance message...the FundraisingBox is currently in maintenance mode


IP of donation

You have to provide the IP of the user (not of your server!). This is required to block spamming users/bots, otherwise your server will be blocked!