

How to prepopulate form values with GET parameter?

All fields of the payment form can be prepopulated. The following parameters can be appended to the corresponding url. These variables can be appended to the javascript embed code or directly to the url address.


This API is available in all FundraisingBox plans.

Fieldnames and values

salutationMr. | Mrs.
country2-letter ISO 3166 country code in uppercaseSet default country in dropdown, e.g. "DE" for "Germany"
amountFloatWithout currency symbols, e.g. 5.50
interval0 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 12once, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly
wants_receiptno_receipt | receipt_now | receipt_end_of_year
wants_newsletter0 | 1
is_terms_accepted0 | 1
is_privacy_accepted0 | 1
birthdayDateformat YYYY-MM-DD
fb_item_idIntegerItem ids can be found at “Forms” > ”Edit” > ”Transaction settings” > ”Items” > "Info-Icon at the item",
Item selection is shown and item is preselected,
Item has to be visible in the form.
fb_item_id_fixIntegerItem selection is hidden and item name is shown
Special case: Item has NOT to be visible in the form.
fb_project_idIntegerIf a project is allocated to an item, this item can be preselected with the corresponding project id as well.
Project ids can be found at "Configuration" > "Projects".

Requirement: there is only one item with this project.

Item selection is shown and item is preselected,
Item has to be visible in the form.
fb_project_id_fixIntegerItem selection is hidden and item name is shown
Special case: Item has NOT to be visible in the form.
person_custom_field_IDMixed (depends on the custom field type)Custom field ids can be found in “settings”>”Custom fields”.
Custom field has to be added to the form.
Example: to prepopulate the custom field with ID “123“ with the text “example“ use: “person_custom_field_123=example“
donation_custom_field_IDMixed (depends on the custom field type)Custom field ids can be found in “settings”>”Custom fields”.
Custom field has to be added to the form.
Example: to prepopulate the custom field with ID “123“ with the text “example“ use: “donation_custom_field_123=example“
payment_methoddirectdebit | sepa_direct_debit | wikando_direct_debit | micropayment_direct_debit | bfs_direct_debit | paypal | sofortueberweisung | micropayment_credit_card | eps | stripe_credit_card | amazon_pay | _stripe_apple_pay | stripe_google_pay Recommendation: do NOT prepopulate Apple Pay and Google Pay, because you do not know if these payment methods are available on the device of the visitor.
is_gift_donation0 | 1Specifies whether it is a gift donation.
gift_donation_from_nameVarchar(30)The name of the gift donation sender.
gift_donation_to_nameVarchar(30)The name of the gift donation receiver.

It is recommended to url-encode values before appending them to the url, to ensure the values are propoulated correctly. If this is not done, some values might not be set as expected (e.g. +49 123456 will be preopoulated as 49123456, will be prepopulated as my-email

Non editable prepopulation

If you do not want that the prepopulated field is editable add a "_fix" to the parameter.
For example: "first_name_fix", "amount_fix", "donation_custom_field_123_fix".

Attention: fixing values will prevent the donor to change or correct values. Use it with care.



You can use also the Session API for form value prepopulation. This offers you various advantages.